
Recipe: Yummy Pork Bellymade by Rice Cooker

Without fail making ultimate 【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker ! easy, delicious, practical.

【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !
【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !

Ingredients for 【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !

  1. Prepare 600 g : Pork belly.

  2. Prepare 3 : Green onion.

  3. Prepare 10 g : Sliced Ginger.

  4. Prepare 5 pieces : Garlic.

  5. Needed : (Seasoning).

  6. Needed 100 cc : Water.

  7. Prepare 4 tbs : Soy sauce.

  8. Needed 3 tbs : Sake.

  9. Prepare 3 tbs : Mirin.

  10. Needed 1.5 tbs : Sugar.

Step by Step Cooking 【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !

  1. Cut the pork belly into big pieces. Pan fry it until light browned..

【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !
【Pork Belly】made by Rice Cooker !

  1. Put every ingredients and seasonings into a rice cooker then turn on the switch for cooking☆.

  2. 30 minutes later, turn the meat over and leave it for 30 minutes again..

  3. Turn the rice cooker off then ready for serve (^O^).

  4. My cooking video are on →【Coozy Life】at YouTube. Please follow me (o^^o).
