
Recipe: Yummy California Farm sweet and sour mango salad

Without fail making ultimate California Farm sweet and sour mango salad easy, delicious, practical.

California Farm sweet and sour mango salad
California Farm sweet and sour mango salad

Ingredients for California Farm sweet and sour mango salad

  1. Needed : ripe green mangos.

  2. Prepare : I sweet red pepper.

  3. Prepare : cinnamon stick.

  4. Prepare : rice vinegar.

  5. Prepare : palm sugar.

Stages Cooking California Farm sweet and sour mango salad

  1. Wash, peel, slice, layer first mango. Wash, slice sweet pepper in thin rings, layer 1/3 rings on top. Slice second mango, layer, sweet pepper ring on top. Slice third mango, lay last 1/3 pepper rings on top..

California Farm sweet and sour mango salad
California Farm sweet and sour mango salad

  1. Boil cup of rice vinegar with cup of water, 4Tbs palm sugar, and cinnamon stick. Pour over salad. Cool. Enjoy!.