
Recipe: Tasty Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

Without fail cooking ultimate Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce easy, tasty, practical.

Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce
Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

Ingredients all Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

  1. Prepare 500 g : beef.

  2. Needed Dash : salt.

  3. Needed Dash : black pepper.

  4. Prepare 2 tbsp : bread crumbs.

  5. Prepare : Egg white.

  6. Prepare : Some mushroom.

  7. Needed Half : can.of Campbells mushroom.sauce.

  8. Needed Half : onion chopped.

  9. Needed : Cooking oil.

Process Cooking Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

  1. Mix beef meatvwith bread crumbs black pepper and salt.Then form.into a patties.Heat a pan and fry its side for five mins.Remove.

Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce
Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce
Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce
Beef Patties in Mushroom Sauce

  1. In a heated pan add cooking oil sautee onion until soft then.pour mushroom simmer then add mushroom sauce.Cook it for threeins.Then scoop and place on top of fried burger patties..