
Recipe: Tasty Abalone Rice Korean Dish

Without fail making ultimate Abalone Rice | Korean Dish easy, bouncy, practical.

Abalone Rice | Korean Dish
Abalone Rice | Korean Dish

Ingredients all Abalone Rice | Korean Dish

  1. Prepare : Abalone.

  2. Prepare : Sesame oil.

  3. Prepare : Serves White rice.

  4. Prepare : Soju.

  5. Prepare : water (200ml for 1 cup).

Stages Cooking Abalone Rice | Korean Dish

  1. Youtube.com/watch?v=0Va2MBSqokc.

  2. Rub abalones gently with a toothbrush to clean them..

  3. Separate the intestines and abalone flesh and remove the teeth..

  4. Put the intestines and 1Tbs of Soju in a blender and grind them..

  5. Stir-fry rice and sesame oil in a pot..

  6. Put the intestines of 3) and water into the pot and cook the rice..

  7. While cooking rice, cut the abalone flesh into small pieces and soak it in milk..

  8. When the pot rice is almost done, add the sliced abalone..
