
Recipe: Perfect Magic Caramel Popcorn Easy Recipe

Without fail recipe ultimate Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe easy, fast, practical.

Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe
Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe

Ingredients for Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe

  1. Needed 70-80 gr : popcorn.

  2. Prepare 2 tbs : oil.

  3. Prepare 90 gr : sugar.

  4. Needed 3 tbs : milk.

  5. Needed 40 gr : salted butter.

Stages Cooking Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe

  1. ① Pop the popcorn first. ② Prepare caramel: Salted butter+sugar+milk simmer in a pot over medium heat until caramel color. Then pour it on the popcorn. Enjoy it after letting cool!

For the details, please watch the video too: youtu.be/iq_kqPTNe3Y.

Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe
Magic Caramel Popcorn | Easy Recipe
