
Recipe: Perfect Ksr Fine Bulghur Salad

Without fail recipe ultimate Kısır (Fine Bulghur Salad) easy, tasty, practical.

Kısır (Fine Bulghur Salad)
Kısır (Fine Bulghur Salad)

Ingredients for Kısır (Fine Bulghur Salad)

  1. Needed : Base:.

  2. Prepare : fine bulghur.

  3. Needed : hot water.

  4. Needed : To add flavour to the base:.

  5. Prepare : sweet onion.

  6. Needed : red pepper paste.

  7. Needed : tomato paste.

  8. Prepare : olive oil.

  9. Prepare : salt.

  10. Needed : garlic.

  11. Prepare : Vegetables:.

  12. Needed : cucumber.

  13. Needed : pickled cucumbers.

  14. Needed : iceberg lettuce (you can use leaf, romaine… whatever you have on hand).

  15. Needed : green pepper.

  16. Needed : parsley.

  17. Prepare : spring onions.

  18. Needed : Spices and flavourings:.

  19. Needed : hot chili flakes.

  20. Needed : dried mint.

  21. Needed : ground black pepper.

  22. Needed : ground sumac.

  23. Needed : lemon juice.

  24. Needed : pomegranate sauce.

Step by Step Cooking Kısır (Fine Bulghur Salad)

  1. Add boiling hot water to the bulghur in a bowl, cover it up and wait for it to bloom..

  2. In a pan, heat olive oil and cook onion, add pastes and salt. Cook for 3 minutes..

  3. In a big bowl where you can mix everything up, prepare your vegetables.

Chop, cucumbers, lettuce, pepper, parsley and spring onions.

You can add more veggies like grated carrot, diced tomato, chopped fresh herbs….

  1. In the big bowl, combine and mix everything well.

Add spices and flavourings and mix for the last time.

Your salad is ready to serve..
