
Recipe: Appetizing Simple fried rice

Without fail making ultimate Simple fried rice easy, delicious, practical.

Simple fried rice
Simple fried rice

Ingredients all Simple fried rice

  1. Prepare : Day or two old cooked rice.

  2. Prepare : Lots of oil.

  3. Prepare : Fresh ginger matchsticks.

  4. Needed : Minced fresh pepper.

  5. Needed : Eggs.

  6. Needed : Garlic.

  7. Prepare : Soy sauce.

Step by Step Cooking Simple fried rice

  1. Fry the rice. Let it sit there. On high heat. In lots of oil..

Simple fried rice
Simple fried rice

  1. Toss the rice and let it sit more. Fry the rice..

  2. Create space to sauté the garlic and pepper. Add the eggs. Ground pepper anyone?.

Simple fried rice
Simple fried rice

  1. Mix the eggs, ginger, and pepper into the fried rice, and stir in a splash or two of soy sauce..