
Recipe: Appetizing Chicken Soup

Without fail recipe ultimate Chicken Soup easy, fast, practical.

Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup

Ingredients all Chicken Soup

  1. Needed : chicken breast slices.

  2. Needed : Some celery leaves chopped.

  3. Prepare : ginger.

  4. Prepare : Some salt.

  5. Prepare : white pepper.

  6. Prepare : turnips.

  7. Needed : water.

  8. Needed : Optional..white pepoer before serve.

Step by Step Cooking Chicken Soup

  1. Add 5 glasses of water into a pot then boil.Then drop ginger boil for 2 mins.Add chicken and radish and salt.Then keep cooking for 30 mins.After that drop celery.adjust the taste according to.your taste bud. Optional…white or black pepper.