
How to Make Yummy 3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack

Without fail cooking ultimate 3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack easy, bouncy, practical.

3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack
3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack

Ingredients for 3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack

  1. Needed : Crackers.

  2. Prepare : Smooth unsweetened peanut butter (or any nut butter).

  3. Needed : Bananas.

Step by Step Cooking 3 ingredient Quick and Simple Healthy Snack

  1. Smear both sides of the cracker with the nut butter..

  2. Cut the bananas into rings and then halve the rings. Place as many bananas as you want or as will fit without overcrowding on one cracker..

  3. Top the cracker and bananas with the second cracker. You're done. Enjoy!.
