
How to Make Perfect CarrotTop and Spinach Wilted Salad

Without fail recipe ultimate Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad easy, tasty, practical.

Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad
Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

Ingredients for Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

  1. Prepare : chopped frozen spinach.

  2. Prepare : carrot-tops.

  3. Prepare : To taste kosher salt.

  4. Prepare : fermented maple syrup.

  5. Prepare : pomegranate syrup.

  6. Prepare : bacon I used hickory smoked.

  7. Needed : croutons.

  8. Needed : baslamic crispy beet topping.

Stages Cooking Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

  1. Let the spinach defrost. Wash cut and trim the carrot tops. Discard the big stems. Chop the rasher of bacon and start rendering. Oh you ask what is a rasher of bacon. It is 3 or 4 thin slices of bacon. Cook but not crispy..

Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad
Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad
Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad
Carrot-Top and Spinach Wilted Salad

  1. Add the spinach liquids and all, I use the boxed frozen spinach. Deglaze the pan with the spinach. Cook spinach till tender. Add the carrot tops pomegranate syrup, fermented maple syrup, and salt. Just let wilt. Let liquids merge well..

  2. Move to a cold stainless-steel bowl. Add crispy beet topping. Cover and let the residual heat finish the carrot tops..

  3. Serve at room temperature. I hope you enjoy!!.
