
Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums

Without fail making ultimate Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums easy, tasty, practical.

Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums
Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums

Ingredients for Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums

  1. Prepare : small onion chopped.

  2. Needed : chili powder(as per taste).

  3. Prepare : turmeric powder.

  4. Needed : coriander powder.

  5. Prepare : oil.

  6. Prepare : Salt as per taste (1.5-2 tablespoons).

  7. Prepare : Water.

  8. Prepare : Capsicums.

  9. Needed : Pangasius fish.

  10. Needed : cumin seeds powder.

  11. Needed : Fresh Coriander leaves.

  12. Needed : You can also add tomatoes.

Stages Cooking Rice cooker pangasius fish with capsicums

  1. Put Onion, chilli powder, turmeric powder,coriander powder,oil,salt,one and half cup water together..

  2. Put the rice cooker to Cook.

  3. Check and Stir so it doesn't stick at bottom.put Cooker to warm around 20 min.

  4. Check and Stir so the ingredients almost melts.

  5. At 25 min Put cooker to Cook.Add capsicums.

  6. Add water. Bring the mixture to boil. Stir the mixture..

  7. Add fish & coriander leaves & Cumin seed powder.

  8. After 5 min stir softly 1-2 time. bring the pot to boil and wait till the water is lesser..

  9. After 10 min taste to add salt if necessary.

  10. Check the level of the curry if satisfactory. put cooker to warm and serve..
