
Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Claypot Chicken Rice by Rice Cooker

Without fail recipe ultimate Claypot Chicken Rice (by Rice Cooker) easy, tasty, practical.

Claypot Chicken Rice (by Rice Cooker)
Claypot Chicken Rice (by Rice Cooker)

Ingredients for Claypot Chicken Rice (by Rice Cooker)

  1. Needed 1 : Chicken Thigh (chopped, with/without skin).

  2. Needed 3 : Dried Chinese Mushroom (Pre soaked overnight).

  3. Prepare 1/2 : Chinese Sausage (tear the coating layer, sliced diagonally).

  4. Needed 2 : Ginger slices, 3 Shallots (sliced), 1 clove Garlic (diced).

  5. Needed 1 Cup : Grain Rice (washed).

  6. Prepare 1 tbsp : Chinese Wine (Shao Hing).

  7. Needed 1 tbsp : Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp Oyster Sauce, 1 tsp Black Soy Sauce.

  8. Prepare Dash : 5 Spice Powder, White Pepper and Salt.

  9. Prepare : Your choice of Veggies (blanched, seasoned with oyster sauce, oil).

Step by Step Cooking Claypot Chicken Rice (by Rice Cooker)

  1. Marinade the chicken with a dash of White Pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil, cornflour. Sliced the mushroom into slices, marinade with ginger juice, soy sauce and oil..

  2. Heat the frying pan with oil, briefly pan fried the sausage, dish up and set aside. Add some oil and pan fried the gingers, shallots, garlic until slightly brown, add in the mushroom slices, stir fried for 1 minute, add in chicken and pan fried for 1 minute on each side, add in Chinese wine followed by the rest of the seasonings. Add in grain rice and mix evenly. Dish up into rice cooker and press the White Rice function..

  3. Scoop the ready rice and chicken into a bowl, arrange with blanched veggies and chinese sausage..
